Dont make it fly too high or it will die. You do this by clicking your mouse repeatedly. It is a simple one-button game in which you have to navigate our beloved bird past the obstacles. If the bird hits the pipes or the edges of the screen, the game ends and the player needs to restart. Flappy Bird is the most popular game on the Internet these days. Doodle Jump Race is a multiplayer online racing game featuring the snout-faced star of the popular Doodle Jump games. Do you HATE that freakin' bird Do you have nightmares about that stupid bird's face every night Get revenge NOW by smashing him in Flappy Smash. His teaching style is unique, hands on and very detailed. This is a hacking and gaming tour de force Seth Bling executed a code injection hack in Super Mario World (SMW) that not.Flappy bird was originally released as a mobile game where you tap the screen to make the bird fly. Mulitplayer racing with a Flappy Bird feel.

Yohann is one of the leading experts in mobile game programming, app flipping and reskinning.

Yohann also has plenty of ideas which naturally turned him into an entrepreneur, where he owns over 100 mobile apps and games in both the Apple app store and the Android store. He has been a College instructor for over 15 years, teaching iPhone Development, iOS 15, Apple Watch development, Swift 5, Unity 3D, Pixel Art, Photoshop for programmers, Android and blockchain development. Yohann holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from FIU University.