Marc Laidlaw's brainstorm note from Raising the Bar. Such technologies could have possibly been early designs of the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (noting the similarities on the muzzles and glowing barrels) However, Aperture Science remained mostly unharmed, due to the fact that their base was mostly deep underground, and apparently continued on testing protocols an unknown amount of time into the future.Ĭave Johnson claimed that Black Mesa had stolen technology from Aperture to be put on the market, a factor that contributed to Aperture Science's bankruptcy. The effect that the Xen invasion had on Aperture Science or any of Black Mesa's unnamed competitors is unknown as of now, although judging by the condition of the world after the Combine invasion, it is likely that any exposed infrastructure they could have has been similarly devastated. In addition, according to potentially biased information from Aperture Science, Black Mesa received a much larger percentage of contracts than average. As the same announcement states, Black Mesa is an equal opportunity employer with ethnic minority such as Eli Vance and female scientists such as Gina Cross respectively.Īperture Science was competing with Black Mesa on various government contracts, including the development of portal technology. It is also said that jobs in low-clearance security and materials handling are available. During the tram ride into the Black Mesa Facility that opens Half-Life, an announcement on the public address system states that the facility is seeking employees with backgrounds in theoretical physics, biotechnology, and various other high-tech scientific disciplines.

A large amount of classified research is carried out, including the development of high-tech weapons and defense systems, research into extra-dimensional travel, teleportation, and the study of Xen. In addition to this legitimate research, several secret projects are also carried out at Black Mesa, which are deliberately left vague.

The research is mostly conducted in the Black Mesa Research Facility and includes both pure research and applied science. So what do you think is the most likely option? Or is there another one that seems likely.Black Mesa undertakes research in various fields from standard scientific research to radiation, rocketry, theoretical physics, lasers, experimental propulsion, hydraulics, robotics, hydroelectricity, genetics, zoology, applied mathematics, and a very wide spectrum of research into chemistry and all manner of physics research. It's also hinted to be this in Shephard's Mind and The Aftermath of the Black Mesa Incident. This may have some connections to Fort Bliss. The HECU Marines were (mostly) in from Arizona, but Black Mesa does also have a small on-site military base. This also puts it close to El Paso, Texas, where a large army base (Fort Bliss) is located. This is the part of the state where the city of Roswell is located (a town well known for its' association with aliens). This seems like the most likely option (in my opinion). Option 3: The southeastern part of the state, close to the New Mexico-Texas border. Option 2: Los Alamos In real life, this was the city where the Manhattan Project took place, and Black Mesa was constructed over what used to be radiation laboratories and rocket propulsion test centers. So ABQ seems like the sort of place where a teleportation/anomalous materials research facility could be found It is also hinted to be this in the Youtube video EAS in Games - Half Life 1 and 2. Facebook has a data center in the nearby city of Los Lunas, and Intel has a fab in the nearby city of Rio Rancho. It is where Microsoft was founded, and is also where the Sandia National Laboratories are located (not to mention, it's also well known for producing meth). Option 1: Close to Albuquerque Albuquerque is well known to be a city of science. I've scoured quite a few sources to come up with some answers, and I've been able to come up with three possible answers on the precise location of the Black Mesa Research Facility. Now it is established that it is located somewhere in New Mexico, but where exactly? A question I've been asking myself for quite some time.